
Showing posts from November, 2012

how to call one class method from another in php

<?php class  a { public  function  f1 (){ echo  'this is a:f1 function' ;   }   } class  b { function  f2 (){    a :: f1 ();  // claa here method of another class in php   echo  '<br> This is b:f2 function' ; } } $ob = new  b (); $ob -> f2 ();  ?> OutPut: this is a:f1 function This is b:f2 function

group_concat in mysql example

group_concat in mysql example CITY_ID CITY_NAME STATE_NAME 1 Bhopal MP 2 Indore MP 3 Delhi DELHI 4 Allahabad UP SELECT group_concat(concat(`city_id`,'@@', `city_name`,'@@', `state_name`),'###') as city FROM `city` Result 1@@Bhopal@@MP###,2@@Indore@@MP###,3@@Delhi@@DELHI###,4@@Allahabad@@UP###

date between two date in php

<?php   // check datebetween two dates  function  chkbetweendate ( $chkdate = '' , $startdate = '' , $enddate = '' ){  $chkdate = strtotime ( $chkdate ); $startdate = strtotime ( $startdate ); $enddate = strtotime ( $enddate );  if( $startdate  <=  $chkdate  &&  $chkdate  <=  $enddate ){ return  true ; }else { return  false ; } }         // call function here      if( chkbetweendate ( '2012-10-10' , '2012-10-5' , '2012-10-15' )){  echo  "2012-10-10 between date" ;  } else {  echo  "2012-10-10 not in between date" ;  }

Create Query for all table in mysql

1 . create query for change all tables to innodb  ENGINE in   mysql SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_name, ' ENGINE=InnoDB;') as ExecuteTheseSQLCommands FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'database_name' ORDER BY table_name DESC; 2 . create query for  TRUNCATE TABLE  all database table SELECT CONCAT('TRUNCATE TABLE ', table_name, ';') FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_schema = 'database_name'

export in mysql

1.  export in mysql in txt file  SELECT * FROM  MyTable INTO OUTFILE  'C:\\FileName.txt'  2.   export in mysql in csv file  SELECT * FROM table1  INTO OUTFILE 'c:///mytable.csv' FIELDS ESCAPED BY '""' TERMINATED  BY ','  ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'  3. .  export in mysql in excel file

php multidimensional array to single dimension array

<?php  php convert multidimensional array to single dimension array convert multidimensional array to single array php function  multidimensional_array_to_single_dimension_array ( $array ) {     if (! $array ) return  false ;     $flat  = array();     $iterator   = new  RecursiveIteratorIterator (new  RecursiveArrayIterator ( $array ));       foreach ( $iterator  as  $value )  $singhal [] =  $value ;    return  $singhal ; } $arr =array( 1 , 2 ,array( 4 , 5 ), 6 ,array( 7 , 8 ,array( 9 , 10 , 11 ,array( 12 , 13 , 14 ))));     print_r ( multidimensional_array_to_single_dimension_array ( $arr )); ?> OUTPUT: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 6 [5] => 7 [6] => 8 [7] => 9 [8] => 10 [9] => 11 [10] => 12 [11] => 13 [12] =...

Regular Expression

Regular Expression in JavaScript Regular Expression in php Regular Expression in MySql